What’s the difference between operating your aircraft, and sitting in an FBO, frustrated? A well written MEL and NEF program (which comes included in our MEL package).
HOT TOPIC: The FAA is removing the “D095 MMEL as an MEL” LOA option, and will soon only offer a customized, FSDO reviewed and approved MEL. See Blog to right for more details.
- Are you operating under FAR Part 135 or Part 121? Are you considering operating any aircraft under RVSM? A Minimum Equipment list is required equipment.
- Are you operating under FAR Part 91? If you’re flying a jet, you must have an MEL to fly with ANY inoperative equipment. Using an LOA to operate with an MMEL as an MEL? If you are flying to Europe, be aware (as of 3/2017) you must have a D195 approved MEL. If you are flying domestic under D095 LOA, you still need an O&M document with 14 CFR information specific to your operations. An NEF program is also essential to get the most out of the deferral capability of your MMEL. We can make that happen in just a few days.
- Finally, If you fall under the exemption for rotor or non-turbine aircraft, a Minimum Equipment list is still a sure way to operate safely, with standard rules for all aircrew.
So what are your options?
Our company is dedicated to producing quality aircraft documents at reasonable prices, with quick turn-around times. Our clientele list has been growing by leaps and bounds since our inception, as we’ve dedicated ourselves to personal, efficient service building custom Minimum Equipment Lists for all aircraft.
Time frames and formats
Once you have contacted our staff, we will send you a worksheet to customize the M.E.L. to your specific configuration. Turnaround times run generally between 3 to 5 business days, though we can compress the timeframe, should you have an urgent need. We will work around your schedule, to produce you the very finest document available. The first year of update service is also included, free of charge. We can deliver your MEL in varying formats, from 8.5 x 11, to 5.5 x 8.5, and always include a fully indexed and bookmarked electronic copy in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, for those of you who carry IPads or EFBs on-board, and prefer the space savings. Fleet MELs are also available and highly recommended for operators with more than one aircraft of any type.
Our staff is comprised of many aviation experts, from Manufacturing and Certification expertise, to widely varied Operations backgrounds. We currently have over 500 active MELs at FSDOs across the entire United States. Canadian, Caribbean and South American MELs are also widely distributed and approved. We will produce and update your MEL at extremely reasonable prices, with an FAA standard, easily readable format that will make certification and operation of your aircraft a breeze. Our job is to make your job EASY!
Why shouldn’t your technical document company be as high performance as your aircraft? Let AccuAero Aviation Documentation Company make FAA certification of your aircraft simple and painless.