How about an MEL Sample, to acquaint you with our product?
Our Minimum Equipment List is a custom MEL, tailored to your aircraft’s exact specifications. The document is presented in 5 sections:
- 1- The Minimum Equipment List – specifies the exact configuration of your aircraft or fleet.
- 2- The Operations and Maintenance Procedures – detailed procedures required by the MEL to operate your aircraft safely with deferred inoperative equipment.
- 3- The MEL Training and Policy Manual – addresses training and policy requirements inherent to operating with an FAA approved MEL.
- 4- Master Minimum Equipment List – included, and is required as part of your MEL STC.
- 5- Placards and Miscellaneous – pre-printed placards, Non-Essential Furnishings Program and List, and any training logs (allows Operations staff to accomplish Maintenance procedures, or vice-versa).
Each of these above sections is contained within our heavy-duty, custom-printed, 3-ring binders. These hold-up to the most rigorous of use. Each section is divided by heavy-duty, reinforced divider pages with laminated tabs. Our clients often praise over-sized hole punches to allow free and easy use of the document. This eliminates the wrestling match often needed to navigate large binders. Of course, electronic copies are available.
Below is a link to an MEL Sample. This is an excerpt from the first 3 sections of the MEL: the Minimum Equipment List, the Operations and Maintenance Procedures, and the Training and Policy documents.
Click here to view the pdf file of excerpt from the first 4 sections of the MEL